Geometric Algebra 幾何学的代数
"Geometric Algebra for Computer Science", Leo Dorst, Daniel Fontijne, Stephen Mann (ISBN 9780123749420)
の紹介のために書きました …
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"Geometric Algebra for Computer Science", Leo Dorst, Daniel Fontijne, Stephen Mann (ISBN 9780123749420)
の紹介のために書きました …
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(Fig.1.1 of the book)
The conformal model is an ample model of the 3D space. Points, lines, planes, circles, spheres and many known geometrical constructions can be represented with algebraic ways in that model.
There are 2 additional bases of this representation space …
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This is an article for the book
"Geometric Algebra for Computer Science", Leo Dorst, Daniel Fontijne, Stephen Mann (ISBN 9780123749420)
which is one of the greatest book I've read. This is NOT a review or somesuch. I'm happy if I can report a tiny bit of flavor of …
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Screen shot of opemMV IDE
I've tried to make a simple and budget local positioning system with openMV cam for the indoor flight of tiny copter. Looks not so good precision but not so bad as a Poor Man's system. A LOITER and LAND flight test with my hachidori copter …
read more小さい機体でもSLAMこそが未来だと思うもののさすがに私では手がでないので貧者的局所測位系と名付けて天井に貼り付けたOpenMV cam+魚眼レンズとフレームからの情報を合わせてフレームにのせたマーカーの水平位置を推計す …
read moreMAVLink をc/c++プログラムから使う簡単な例です. MAVLinkの基本的なインストールや使い方については mavlink github のREADME.mdにある通りですなのですがc/c++プログラムから使う場合にはheaderだけでできている c_library_v2 を使うのがお手軽で …
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Hachidori which means 'humming bird' is a remote sensor/actuator board controlled by ArduPilot running on PC. It's intended to contribute to ArduPilot, though it's still in the experimental phase. It's a tiny open project of DCoJA started by DroneWorks Inc. I was a contractor with DroneWorks mainly for porting …
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